Wednesday, February 23, 2011

POINT SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Then.....

I finally got my point shoes for ballet........... and then just one week later I fracture my toe, not on point but by slipping in the bathroom. SLIPPING IN THE BATHROOM!!!!!!! I fell and banged my toe against the wall and crushed it!

Here I am unhurt on point.

You can see the swelling in my toe: second one from the left, the toe next to the big toe.
On the bottom it swelled up more.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Em started to say hi a couple weeks ago and I finally caught her on video. Watch and listen in the beginning.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Tata!!!

Szczęśliwy tata urodziny! Mam nadzieję, że to wielki dzień! I miss you so much, i nie mogę się doczekać, Tobie i wszystkim innym. Kocham was i powiedzieć, wszyscy je kocham. Daj im uściski i pocałunki dla mnie.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Birthay Brigita

Brigita #13

Today is Brigita's 6th birthday. That is kind of a bad thing. She is already six and will be placed in an institution soon. Please pray for her that she will have a nice birthday and will not be harmed in any way. I do have some good news though!! I have raised about $200.00 for Brigita!!!!!!!! Keep helping her with everything you've done to save this little girl.

More VERY exciting news: OLGA R3 HAS A FAMILY!!!!!!!!!

Olga R3