Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the mothers in the world I just want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day!

There are Angels God put on this earth.
Who care for us and guide us.
You can feel their love and gentleness
as they walk through life beside us.

They do great things for us everyday
they whisper in our ears,
they even hold us in their hearts
when we are filled with our fears.

They are always there to give a hug
and try to make us smile,
they treat us with respect and love
they treat us like their child.

God blessed me with an Angel
I'm proud to call my own.
she's been with me throughout my life,
been with me as I've grown.

She's guided me the best she can,
she's taught me like no other,
and I'm thankful I'm the lucky one
who gets to call her...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baseball, Baseball..........

Saturday morning we started off the day by getting to CVS for the parade to begin for Andrew's game. Then right after that we got to see the Pawsocks play for free. Our friends work for channel 10 news and were able to get us tickets so that we could get to McCoy Stadium early for a barbeque and to see fire works by sitting on the field that the Pawsocks played on. Here are some videos and pictures of the game and fireworks. But sadly the Pawsocks lost 3 to 4.